DBA Checklist (Activities of Oracle DBA):
-->Daily DBA Checklist
-->Daily Night DBA Checklist
-->Weekly DBA Checklist
-->Weekly Tuning DBA Checklist
-->Monthly DBA Checklist
-->Quarterly DBA Checklist
-->One Time Activity DBA Checklist
Daily DBA Checklist:
* Health check of the Database Instance and Listener.
* Viewing the Alert log file and/or check Alert log in regular interval to solve the ORA errors.
* Check any session blocking the other session and oracle locks. Clear locks
* Check long running UNIX process
* Ensure that there are no DBMS_JOBS with the status of failed or broken. Also last refresh times of all running jobs should be current.
* Check all cron house keeping script logs
* Daily Tablespace Utilization.
* Rebuilding of Indexes, if bulk load of data is inserted.
* Check the temporary tablespace/files.
* Check the UNDO tablespace and retaintion.
* Monitor the Unix /tmp and /var Location
* Monitor the UTL_FILE location.
* Monitor all Database file system or drive.
* Monitor Archive Log location.
* Verify success of database archiving to tape
* Monitoring Backups.
* Monitoring the log files, backups, database space usage and the use of system resources.
* Monitoring Production Database Performance
* Find high CPU/Memory/Physical IO consuming processes and trace the SQL/From running behind and Update to Application team.
* Check OEM Agent is running Or not in each node.
* Verify DBSNMP is running
* Verify success of database backup
* Daily RMAN(Incremental+Cumulative)/Data Pump export backups after business hours.
* User Management. User Profile monitoring.
* Monitor User account GRACE period.
* Check Invalid objects and recompile.
* Check and monitor Audit log or table.
* Backup your CRONTAB or Win Schedular
* Most Important - read DBA manuals for one hour
* Most Important - Check your oracle licence and do not run/execute/create beyond the oracle Licence policy.
Daily Night DBA Checklist:
* Look for objects that break rules (Check for Huge NEXT_EXTENT or MAX_EXTENT)
* Check the objects reaching to it’s Max extents
* Note, All tables should have unique primary keys, so check missing/disabled PK and
* Check for Block corruption
Weekly DBA Checklist:
* Database Growth Comparision.
* Identify bad growth projections.
* RMAN full databsae(Level 0) backup.
* Weekly cold backup during maintaince windows.
* Analyze Database and Schemas to gather statistics
* Check Index monitoring Usage to validate the Index usage which is not used yet. Drop/Mark Unuseable the unused Indexes.
* All indexes should use INDEXES tablespace and shoud not user DATA tablespace.
* All index datafile should not be in same file system where the DATA tablespace or SYSTEM/SYSAUX/UNDO/TEMP datafiles are.
* Look in SQL*Net logs for errors, issues (Both in Client side & Server side)
* Archive all Alert Logs and application log to history
* Check the number of log switch per hour
* How_much_redo_generated_per_hour
* Check free quota limited available of each user
* Truncate the listener.log file in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/log, if the listener log has increased to a size > than 500 MB. Ensure the space is released, otherwise 'reload' listener.
Weekly Tuning DBA Checklist:
* Check the Chaining & Migrated Rows
* Check the size of tables & check weather it need to partition or not
* Check the objects having the more extents
* Check the tables having FK but there is no Index
* Check the tables having no Indexes and tables having more Indexes
* Check the frequently pin objects & place them in separate tablespace & in cache
* Check the objects reload in memory many time
* Check open cursor not reaching to the max limit
* Check locks not reaching to the max lock
* Check I/O of each data file
Monthly DBA Checklist:
* Index Rebuild.
* Tablespace Reorganization.
* Bounce critical database once a month (If no cold backup configured)
* Look for Harmful Growth Rates
* Review database file activity. Compare to past output to identify trends that could lead to possible contention.
* Investigate fragmentation (e.g. row chaining, etc.).
* Check location of data file also check auto extendable or not
* Check default tablespace & temporary tablespace of each user
* Check the Extents of each object and compare if any object extent are overriddenwhich is define at tablespace level
* Tablespace need coalescing
* Check the overall database statistics
* Trend Analysis of objects with tablespace, last analyzed, no. of Rows, Growth indays & growth in KB
Quarterly DBA Checklist:
* Patching
* Database Reorganization
* Check the quota of non-system tables in system tablespace.
* Bounce most critical database once a month (If no cold backup configured)
* Review common Oracle tuning points such as cache hit ratio, latch contention, and other points dealing with memory management
One Time Activity DBA Checklist:
* Database user creation with required privileges
* Make the portal of Oracle Predefined error with possible solution.
* Check database startup time(if not 24X7)
* Check location of control file
* Check location of log file
* Prepare the Backup strategy and test all the recovery scenario
-->Daily DBA Checklist
-->Daily Night DBA Checklist
-->Weekly DBA Checklist
-->Weekly Tuning DBA Checklist
-->Monthly DBA Checklist
-->Quarterly DBA Checklist
-->One Time Activity DBA Checklist
Daily DBA Checklist:
* Health check of the Database Instance and Listener.
* Viewing the Alert log file and/or check Alert log in regular interval to solve the ORA errors.
* Check any session blocking the other session and oracle locks. Clear locks
* Check long running UNIX process
* Ensure that there are no DBMS_JOBS with the status of failed or broken. Also last refresh times of all running jobs should be current.
* Check all cron house keeping script logs
* Daily Tablespace Utilization.
* Rebuilding of Indexes, if bulk load of data is inserted.
* Check the temporary tablespace/files.
* Check the UNDO tablespace and retaintion.
* Monitor the Unix /tmp and /var Location
* Monitor the UTL_FILE location.
* Monitor all Database file system or drive.
* Monitor Archive Log location.
* Verify success of database archiving to tape
* Monitoring Backups.
* Monitoring the log files, backups, database space usage and the use of system resources.
* Monitoring Production Database Performance
* Find high CPU/Memory/Physical IO consuming processes and trace the SQL/From running behind and Update to Application team.
* Check OEM Agent is running Or not in each node.
* Verify DBSNMP is running
* Verify success of database backup
* Daily RMAN(Incremental+Cumulative)/Data Pump export backups after business hours.
* User Management. User Profile monitoring.
* Monitor User account GRACE period.
* Check Invalid objects and recompile.
* Check and monitor Audit log or table.
* Backup your CRONTAB or Win Schedular
* Most Important - read DBA manuals for one hour
* Most Important - Check your oracle licence and do not run/execute/create beyond the oracle Licence policy.
Daily Night DBA Checklist:
* Look for objects that break rules (Check for Huge NEXT_EXTENT or MAX_EXTENT)
* Check the objects reaching to it’s Max extents
* Note, All tables should have unique primary keys, so check missing/disabled PK and
* Check for Block corruption
Weekly DBA Checklist:
* Database Growth Comparision.
* Identify bad growth projections.
* RMAN full databsae(Level 0) backup.
* Weekly cold backup during maintaince windows.
* Analyze Database and Schemas to gather statistics
* Check Index monitoring Usage to validate the Index usage which is not used yet. Drop/Mark Unuseable the unused Indexes.
* All indexes should use INDEXES tablespace and shoud not user DATA tablespace.
* All index datafile should not be in same file system where the DATA tablespace or SYSTEM/SYSAUX/UNDO/TEMP datafiles are.
* Look in SQL*Net logs for errors, issues (Both in Client side & Server side)
* Archive all Alert Logs and application log to history
* Check the number of log switch per hour
* How_much_redo_generated_per_hour
* Check free quota limited available of each user
* Truncate the listener.log file in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/log, if the listener log has increased to a size > than 500 MB. Ensure the space is released, otherwise 'reload' listener.
Weekly Tuning DBA Checklist:
* Check the Chaining & Migrated Rows
* Check the size of tables & check weather it need to partition or not
* Check the objects having the more extents
* Check the tables having FK but there is no Index
* Check the tables having no Indexes and tables having more Indexes
* Check the frequently pin objects & place them in separate tablespace & in cache
* Check the objects reload in memory many time
* Check open cursor not reaching to the max limit
* Check locks not reaching to the max lock
* Check I/O of each data file
Monthly DBA Checklist:
* Index Rebuild.
* Tablespace Reorganization.
* Bounce critical database once a month (If no cold backup configured)
* Look for Harmful Growth Rates
* Review database file activity. Compare to past output to identify trends that could lead to possible contention.
* Investigate fragmentation (e.g. row chaining, etc.).
* Check location of data file also check auto extendable or not
* Check default tablespace & temporary tablespace of each user
* Check the Extents of each object and compare if any object extent are overriddenwhich is define at tablespace level
* Tablespace need coalescing
* Check the overall database statistics
* Trend Analysis of objects with tablespace, last analyzed, no. of Rows, Growth indays & growth in KB
Quarterly DBA Checklist:
* Patching
* Database Reorganization
* Check the quota of non-system tables in system tablespace.
* Bounce most critical database once a month (If no cold backup configured)
* Review common Oracle tuning points such as cache hit ratio, latch contention, and other points dealing with memory management
One Time Activity DBA Checklist:
* Database user creation with required privileges
* Make the portal of Oracle Predefined error with possible solution.
* Check database startup time(if not 24X7)
* Check location of control file
* Check location of log file
* Prepare the Backup strategy and test all the recovery scenario
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